lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

There is/There are/There isn´t/There aren´t/Is there?/Are there?

Try these fun games to remember the structure!

Last week´s Thanksgiving

Last Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving. It is a  typical festival from United States in which the families get together to eat Turkey and other dishes and give thanks for all the good things in their lives.

Elefteria and Rejena come from USA, so they prepared the activity. 

First, they showed us a presentation about the origins of Thanksgiving and what they usually do at home during this special day.

Then, we paired with the fifth graders to practise the structure:

I am thankful for...

Each pair had a feather and we had to write the things we are thankful for: having a family and having friends, being healthy, having a house and food to eat...we are privileged for all the wonderful things in our lives!

The fifth graders were really nice, they helped us a lot. It´s good to get to know each other better!



This is a song we are listening in class to review the prepositions.

Hope you like it as much as we do! It´s really catchy.

Click here to sing the song!

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016


Los niños/as llevan las claves para que os podáis descargar los libros o ir a ellos on-line.
Debéis poner el usuario y la contraseña, cuidando las mayúsculas y las minúsculas en la siguiente dirección
Una vez en la página pincháis en el libro que queráis entrar.
Arriba a la derecha hay una caja que si pincháis se despliegan ejercicio.
A la izquierda hay una caja con un tic donde se despliegan juegos
Resultado de imagen de libro saber hacer lenguaje matematicas santillana 2º      Resultado de imagen de libro saber hacer lenguaje matematicas santillana 2º

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016

Nuestra visita al Thyssen


Last week´s Halloween