martes, 17 de enero de 2017


Arrastra a su casilla.


Pica y completa.


Pica en la imagen.


Pica en la imagen


La editorial no nos ha proporcionado acceso gratuito al libro digital de ACE. Si estáis interesados en conseguirlo aquí va el enlace:
Enlace a compra de la licencia digital de ACE 2

No obstante, sí que tenemos acceso a interesantes actividades online en Oxford Learning Zone. Para ello debemos registrarnos en Oxford Plus.

Instrucciones de registro en Oxford Plus

Tenemos el siguiente código de activación: OUP4AGCSEZKWS

Se accede a las actividades online de la Oxford Learning Zone de la siguiente manera.

Ya podemos acceder a las actividades de gramática y vocabulario de cada tema.

lunes, 16 de enero de 2017


Buenas tardes,
Por fin he conseguido aclarar el asunto de los libros digitales.

Los libros de Anaya English para Social y Natural Science tienen versión digital para el alumnado, pero la editorial no nos la puede facilitar de forma gratuita.

No obstante, por si alguien de vosotros está interesado en adquirirla aquí dejo los enlaces:
Social Science 2º Primaria 
Natural Science 2º de Primaria (sólo aparece una demo)

Los alumnos disponen de CDs de audio, situados en la parte trasera de los libros. Se lo voy a mandar para casa en la mochila  y la correspondencia de las pistas de audio con los temas las tenéis en el blog.

En cuanto a los recursos a los que pueden acceder con el código de la contraportada, os recuerdo que se hacía de la siguiente manera: 
1° Nos conectamos a la web:
2° Nos registramos en la web: La web del alumnado y la familia (el banner está abajo a la derecha). Rellenamos todos los campos.
3° Una vez hecho el registro, introducimos el número de licencia que aparece al inicio del libro de texto, en el reverso de la portada.
4° Ya tenemos acceso a algunos recursos de cada tema (desafortunadamente, no al libro digital).

Espero que sirva de ayuda,



Social Science

Unit 1. My neighbourhood

Listen, circle and sing. Where we live.

Audio. Track 1.
Where we live.
Audio. Track 2.
Activity 1. Listen and write.
Audio. Track 3.
Autonomous communities.
Audio. Track 4.
Festivals and traditions.
Audio. Track 5.

Unit 2. The people of Spain

Listen and sing. My town's population.

Audio. Track 6.
Audio. Track 7.
Population and the labour force.
Audio. Track 8.
Activity 3. What labour population do these people belong to?
Audio. Track 9.
Population change.
Audio. Track 10.

Unit 3. Road safety

Listen and sing. Crossing the street.

Audio. Track 11.
Road safety.
Audio. Track 12.
Rules of the road.
Audio. Track 13.
Civic responsibility.

Audio. Track 14.

Unit 4. The Sun, the Earth and the Moon

Listen and sing. The space dance.

Audio. Track 15.
The Sun and the planets.
Audio. Track 16.
The Earth rotates.
Audio. Track 17.
Activity 3. Listen and complete.
Audio. Track 18.
The Earth revolves.
Audio. Track 19.
The phases of the Moon.

Audio. Track 20.

Unit 5. Finding our way around

Listen and sing. Getting around.

Audio. Track 21.
Spatial orientation.
Audio. Track 22.
Audio. Track 23.
Types of maps.
Audio. Track 24.
World maps.
Audio. Track 25.
Audio. Track 26.
Activity 3. Listen and number.

Audio. Track 27.

Unit 6. Talking about the weather

Listen and match. What's the weather like?

Audio. Track 28.
The weather.
Audio. Track 29.
Activity 2. Listen and match.
Audio. Track 30.
Measuring the weather.
Audio. Track 31.
Types of weather.
Audio. Track 32.
The changing seasons.
Audio. Track 33.
Weather maps and symbols.

Audio. Track 34.

Unit 7. Learning about landscapes

Listen and sing. Where I am.

Audio. Track 35.
The mountains.
Audio. Track 36.
The plains.
Audio. Track 37.
The coast.

Audio. Track 38.

Unit 8. Caring for our environment

Listen and sing. Cleaning up the forest.

Audio. Track 39.
Humans and the environment.
Audio. Track 40.
Audio. Track 41.
Water is important.
Audio. Track 42.
Environmental problems.
Audio. Track 43.
How we can protect nature.

Audio. Track 44.

Unit 9. The geography of Spain

Listen and sing. Spain's Geography.

Audio. Track 45.
Activity 3. Listen and number.
Audio. Track 46.
The Iberian Peninsula.
Audio. Track 47.
Audio. Track 48.
Activity 2. Listen and number.
Audio. Track 49.
Oceans and seas surrounding the Iberian Peninsula.

Audio. Track 50.


Unit 1. The human body

Audio. Track 1
Parts of the body.
Audio. Track 2
Bones and joints.
Audio. Track 3
Listen and number.
Audio. Track 4
Audio. Track 5

Unit 2. How our body works

Listen and sing. Growing up.
Audio. Track 6
Audio. Track 7
Audio. Track 8
Audio. Track 9
Listen and number the descriptions.
Audio. Track 10
Health and illness.
Audio. Track 11
Listen and number.
Audio. Track 12

Unit 3. Be healthy!

Listen and sing. Living organisms.
Audio. Track 20
Living organisms.
Audio. Track 21
Audio. Track 22
Audio. Track 23

Unit 4. Living organisms

Listen and sing. Living organisms.
Audio. Track 20
Living organisms.
Audio. Track 21
Audio. Track 22
Audio. Track 23

Unit 5. Mammals and birds

Listen and sing. Vertebrates are great!
Audio. Track 24
The bodies of animals.
Audio. Track 25
The main characteristics of mammals.
Audio. Track 26
Domestic and wild mammals.
Audio. Track 27
The main characteristics of birds.
Audio. Track 28
Listen and number.
Audio. Track 29
Domestic and wild birds
Audio. Track 30
Feeding relationships
Audio. Track 31
Listen and tick.
Audio. Track 32

Unit 6. Fish, amphibians and reptiles

Listen and sing. Down at the pond.
Audio. Track 33
The main characteristics of fish.
Audio. Track 34
Listen and match.
Audio. Track 35
Fish live in water.
Audio. Track 36
Listen and repeat.
Audio. Track 37
The main characteristics of amphibians.
Audio. Track 38
Listen and put the pictures in the correct order.
Audio. Track 39
The main characteristics of reptiles
Audio. Track 40
The animals are in disguise!
Audio. Track 41
Listen and sing. Reptiles.
Audio. Track 41

Unit 7. How plants live and grow

Listen and sing. Plants grow strong
Audio. Track 43
What do plants look like?
Audio. Track 44
The different parts of a flower.
Audio. Track 45
Types of plants
Audio. Track 46
Deciduous trees and evergreen trees
Audio. Track 47
How we use plants
Audio. Track 48
Listen and number.
Audio. Track 49

Unit 8. Matter and force

Listen and sing. Energy.
Audio. Track 50
Mass and volume.
Audio. Track 51
Force and gravity
Audio. Track 52
Listen and number.
Audio. Track 53
Forms of energy.
Audio. Track 54
saving energy.
Audio. Track 55
Audio. Track 56

Unit 9. How machines help us

Listen and sing. Computers are compound machines.
Audio. Track 57
Types of machines.
Audio. Track 58
Machines and work.
Audio. Track 59
Machines and communication.
Audio. Track 60